- Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, and accounts for 15% of the global population.
- Hindus follow the teachings of the Vedas, and believe in “dharma,” which refers to the rules and philosophy of Hinduism; “karma,” which is the idea that our actions and thoughts determine our future (in this life and the next); as well as reincarnation.
- Hindus believe in one god, Brahman, along with millions of deities; the most important are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Episode 2 Summary
Discussion Questions
What’s one major difference between Hinduism and Christianity? What’s one similarity?
Hindus believe in a cycle of reincarnation. Christians believe we live one life. How do you think the differences in belief would change the way each person lives?
Think about the quote: “When you can long for Brahman with the same strength as you had for your next breath, then you will see him.” Do you think this could apply to the Christian God? Why?
Diving Deeper
2 Corinthians 12:1-10 and James 2:14-24
Read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, paying special attention to verses 9 and 10. Then read James 2:14-24. If God commands us to do good works, how do we balance that with accepting and understanding our own weaknesses? How does God’s grace bridge the gap between our sin nature and our desire to do the right thing? Finally, how are these ideas different from what Hindus believe?