- God wants us to recognize Him as our ultimate provider, for everything in our lives.
- God is not Google. Sometimes answers to prayers take a while; Daniel 10 gives us a glimpse at why that might be true sometimes by showing us what’s going on in the spiritual world.
- God intends to involve us. God intends to heal us and then use us to heal others; praying for others is one way we can partner with God in that mission.
Episode 3 Summary
Discussion Questions
The video made the point that just because we pray for something and it doesn’t immediately happen doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t God’s will. How did that strike you? Was it encouraging? Frustrating?
How much time do people around you spend talking and thinking about the spiritual realm? Does it seem like too much time? Too little time?
What’s one hard experience you’ve had that you think could be used to help someone else who’s struggling?
Diving Deeper
Ephesians 6:10-18
Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What stands out to you about this passage? Given how angering and frustrating other people can be sometimes, how does the phrase “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood” strike you? How often do you think about the reasons behind why someone might be acting harshly or negatively toward you? Does the idea of putting on spiritual armor make sense, or does it feel like Christianese?