- Porn use isn’t only about our willpower, but can also involve our culture, brain pathways, and even spiritual warfare.
- Paul discusses in Romans how humans are attracted to destructive behaviors. Sometimes it seems very difficult to get away from them.
- A major misconception happens when we tie to porn use to identity. As one example, tying it to masculinity can be damaging for both men and women.
Episode 3 Summary
Discussion Questions
Does social media make you feel more or less connected to people? What would you say are some healthy ways to deal with loneliness and disconnection?
Like it or not, we can’t blame the Enemy for our poor choices, but it is important to realize we stand in a spiritual battle. What are some ways to fight that battle more effectively?
Identity is scary and complicated, and temptation and porn can often prey upon this fact. What does it take to develop a strong, healthy sense of identity? What does that look like?
Diving Deeper
Both Reesey and CJ’s story involves how porn preyed on their insecurities. This is a significant part of many people’s struggle with porn. Instead of reading a section of scripture, spend some time in prayer and reflection. Ask God to reveal the insecurities you might have, and if you already know them, ask God to begin to radically change your view of yourself, and ask the Holy Spirit to come work in your weakness.