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Movement III: This Is Challenging, But God's Got You

An Axis Course On How to Talk With Gen Z About Gender and Sexuality

Written by George Moore

Peace In the Storm

It was a scary moment in their journey, and one they would remember for the rest of their lives.

It was dark, the seas were raging, and it seemed like the disciples were about to die in their boat. Then, in a moment of grace and power, Jesus wakes up from his sleep and calms the storm by saying to it, simply, “Peace! Be still.”

They were shocked; they were amazed; they were saved. Witnessing such an incredible moment, the disciples asked themselves, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him (Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25).”

Parents, know that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are called to be a disciple, and as a disciple, you will encounter scary and challenging moments in your faith journey. In fact, some things you see may shake you to the core. You may be seeing the storm rage—but it won’t blow you down. Because like the disciples in our text, Jesus is in the boat with you.

Our reminder to you is that Jesus has the ability to say in this moment, “Peace, be still!” The situation with your child and their sexual identity may seem too big for you, but Jesus is with you and He has the power to calm the storm in your heart, in your mind, in your child, and your family.

  • In Movement II, we asked you to think about your own fears. Take a moment now to appreciate God’s power in the midst of those fears. 
  • Next, take a moment to think about your child. How might they be feeling, currently? Have you taken the time to hear their thoughts/fears regarding their sexual identity? 
  • Think about Jesus calming the storm. What do you think He would say to you and your child in the midst of this storm? 

Historical Precedent for the Present Moment

Throughout Scripture, God’s people have always been surrounded by a culture that doesn’t share our sexual ethic. For example, think about all the texts in the New Testament that talk about sexual practices and sin (Romans 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 5-6; Galatians 5:19-26; Colossians 2:5-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-9; 1 Timothy 2:8-11; Titus 2:11-12; Jude 5-7). Each of these verses were written to churches who had new believers coming out of lifestyles that resemble things we see today. In Greco-Roman society, prostitution, homosexuality, adultery, and other sexual acts were permissible. Few things were left off the table in ancient Rome.

Paul knew this. The other apostles and leaders knew this. Yet, they all trusted in the God who has the power to save and sanctify a people who put their hope and trust in his son, Jesus Christ.

The New Testament church was a melting pot of people from all over the Roman Empire. Men, women, slaves, slave masters, rich people, poor people, Jews, Gentiles, noblemen, and commoners were all present in the assembly. Only a small percentage of them would have started with the sexual ethic that Paul and the other leaders had due to their Jewish background.

But by the power of the Holy Spirit and the law of love written on their hearts, these people united under God’s call for holiness, purity, and self-sacrifice. In doing so, they were a witness to a pagan/unbelieving world of how people from all corners of the earth—with different attitudes about sex—were able to unite under the banner of the cross and follow after the esteemed Creator who made us to glorify Him. And as they followed Him, they became more like Him.

Most of us have had an experience in a city where we don’t know our way around. We may have had to call on an Uber or a Lyft to help us get to our destination. We trusted these drivers to direct us in places we weren’t familiar with. This gave us the freedom to focus on our activities and not worry about street signs and missed turns.

In the same way, God has been down this road before. He knows His way around your family’s trial, your child’s sexual identity questions & thoughts, and He gives us grace to make it through this journey. Believing this allows us to rest in God’s love, be fully present to the needs of our child in this season, and to have confidence even when we feel like we don’t have comforting or perfect answers.

  • Go back and read the verses listed in this section. How have these verses been used, historically, in the LGBTQ+ conversation? Have they helped or hurt our engagement with this community?
  • How can you lovingly engage in conversations with people who have a different sexual ethic than you?
  • God’s people have always been placed in the middle of a culture that doesn’t share our sexual ethic, but God’s Spirit has still been able to save, sanctify, and sustain His children in the midst of it. How can this truth help you to rest in God’s sovereign care when it comes to your child’s current situation?

The Story is Still Being Written

God knows the story of your child. The Author of Life (Acts 3:15) has seen their life from eternity past and He is unfolding every layer before your eyes. Some things you will enjoy seeing and others might make you anxious. Yet, through it all, know that God is the perfect and loving author.

As a parent it’s impossible to know every path God will take our children down, but God knows. Trust Him with the story of your child. God loves them more than you ever could, and His love has the power to change any heart and life.

In Genesis, Joseph had all kinds of seemingly random and hurtful things happen to him, and if you were on the outside looking in, you wouldn’t imagine any great outcome for him. He was sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, and placed in prison. Yet God had a plan for Joseph and his family that was already written (Gen. 15:12-20; Psalms 105:16-22). Joseph went from the prison to the palace because God was with him. Sometimes, what can be hard, scary, and even unfair, God uses for our good, his glory, and the good of others (Gen. 50:19-20).

Know that there are other parents and families navigating the same conversations with their child as you are. Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:9 (NLT), “…remember that your family of believers all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.” Draw strength from the testimonies of other parents who have/are navigating this season. Let their words give you strength, life and hope in Jesus Christ. For not only do we overcome because of Christ’s work, but also by the testimonies of the saints (Rev. 12:11).

Be encouraged. Stay faithful. Trust Him and be the faithful parent He has called you to be.

In Isaiah 46:10 and 13, God says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please… I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendor to Israel.” What God was saying to his people was this: “I see it all. I see your trials. Though they will be hard, my salvation, my favor, my righteousness is coming, and it will arrive on time.”

  • Think about these verses and God’s relationship with Israel. How can these encourage you during this time? 
  • Look back at other trials and difficulties you faced. List a few of them and then write how God met you in those trials. How can seeing God’s faithfulness back then strengthen your faith for the current season? 
  • Read Revelation 12:11. How can seeing other parents and families navigating these times with their children give you hope and endurance?