- Much of this episode was a review of episodes 1-3, especially the ideas that we
are made in the image of an emotional God, how to process our emotions by talking, and how we are called to rejoice with rejoicers and mourn with mourners. - Asking ourselves why are hearts are going where they’re going leads to more freedom than automatically following them.
- In order to keep growing, we need to be willing to be uncomfortable sometimes.
Episode 4 Summary
Discussion Questions
Do you think “home” is something you find or make? Why?
What do you think the phrase “following your heart” means? Do you think it’s good advice? Why or why not?
In this video we said, “Just like there’s a good reason for bad feelings, sometimes there’s also a bad reason for good feelings.” Did you agree with that? Why or why not?
Diving Deeper
Galatians 5:22-23
Read Galatians 5:22-23. When this passage uses the phrase “the fruit of the Spirit,” it means things like love, joy, peace (etc.) naturally grow in people who pursue a relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. But it also includes “self-control” as one of the fruits that grow. So what do you think it means to have self-control? Why would this be included in the list? How does self-control relate to the idea of automatically following our hearts?