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An Axis Course On Advent and Your Family

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. – Hebrews 4:9-11

You’ve made it to Friday! We hope it has been a great week and that you’ve been able to start the season at a different pace from years past. As we said on Tuesday, we want to invite you to plan an intentional Sabbath tomorrow. As the verse in Hebrews put it, in order to fight the hurry, we need to “make every effort.”

Today can be a day to catch up on what you missed so far and prepare for a restful day tomorrow by being intentional about Sabbath. As you plan, keep in mind these four factors that influence how the Jews practice Sabbath to this day.

  • Relent: Stop working. Remember that on Sabbath we cease from both physical and mental work. As best as you’re able, let go of whatever you’ve been trying to think through or figure out, just for a single day.
  • Rest: Our bodies need rest, and we rest best when our minds and bodies are free from doing. Once you’ve “paused,” rest/sleep will come much easier.
  • Remember: Hope has come into the world. Carve out time to reflect and remember that the God who created all things loves us so much that He sent His Son to save us. You can make this a part of conversation over meals, in car rides, playing games, going for a walk, getting ice cream, sipping on cocoa or coffee, or whatever else your family enjoys doing together.
  • Restore: Take time to consider together: What re-energizes us? What drains us? How can we do things as a family that are fun and energizing? How do we remove the things that drain us? Give yourselves permission to play and enjoy God’s creation.

The key is to start somewhere. This is not a list of everything you must do; it’s a list of suggestions. Start with some small wins and slowly work your way into more each week. Happy planning!