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Speak Up!

An Axis Course On The Generosity Project

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. – Proverbs 31:8-9 

Let’s try to imagine, for a moment, being born in the poorest of conditions. Living in a shack with seven brothers and sisters, and at the age of five, both of your parents pass away. You are left alone with no one to look after you, no one to provide for you. Shortly after the passing of your parents, two of your siblings are ripped away from you by disease. You are now the youngest of five children, with no one to provide for your family’s needs. The only place you can turn is to God.

This is the story of a young man from Uganda named Walter Williams. He heard about Jesus when he was five years old and began experiencing God’s love and provision as he led his five siblings. The first thing Walter did every day was get on his knees and pray for God to provide food for him and his family that day. Every day was a struggle to survive, but time and time again the Lord answered his prayers.

Walter Williams’ life was completely changed when a stranger decided to give him a voice. Someone on the other side of the world decided to sponsor Walter and give him an education, food, and a place to live. Someone on the other side of the world decided it was time to defend the rights of the poor and needy. Because this person decided to spend themselves on behalf of someone in need, Walter is now a grown man who uses his knowledge and education to tell others about the hope of Jesus Christ!

There are thousands of others who are ensnared by poverty and do not have anyone who will speak up for them. While there is much that we cannot do, there are things that we can do… things that we must do. John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, once said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” We must speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. We must defend the rights of the poor and needy. This is the only way to find true life.

Research: Ready, Set…

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Plan out the time you want to volunteer or the donation you want to make. If you’re volunteering, call the organization (or contact them through email or their website––whatever works best!) and set up your volunteer day. It’s okay if your day is next week or even next month, just make sure you get everything set up! Fill out any paperwork you need to and schedule a separate orientation time if they need you to do that. If you’re donating, set aside the money you’re going to give and spend some time praying over the people it will help.

Activity: The Heart of It All

For our second to last day, we want to make sure that your heart is where it needs to be as you close out what you’ve learned this week. As a family, read the story of the crucifixion and resurrection in all four gospels. Notice what each book highlights, how Jesus is portrayed, and what events are recorded. How do these perspectives illuminate the person of Jesus? What do you see that you maybe haven’t seen before? How are you led to pray for those around you after remembering what Jesus sacrificed for us all?