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Bible Conversation Giveaway Copy

The Bible Conversation Kit

Get 4 videos to spark a conversation with your teen about what the Bible is, why it matters, and how it centers around Jesus. Tell us where to send your FREE Bible Conversation Kit

What is a Conversation Kit?

A Conversation Kit contains 4 short, easily consumable videos, a discussion guide, and a worksheet.

These video conversation starters help you learn and discuss these important issues with your teens in a non-awkward, fun way. Each of our dozens of kits covers a single topic: tricky issues like gender, pornography, suicide, and drugs, as well as philosophical concepts like evangelism, leadership, and identity. Conversation Kits bring generations together around a common gospel.

Who is it for?

These videos are intended to be watched by you and your teen/pre-teen. We designed these conversations kits to spark meaningful conversations between you and your teen on the topics that matter most.

Our Gift to You!

You’ll receive the Bible Conversation Kit 4-part video to help spark a conversation around the Bible and the accompanying conversation guides to keep the conversation going.

PLUS, you have the option of downloading the Bible Conversation Kit to watch anytime!

  • I wish there were 100s of groups like Axis. We are losing the next generation. We need help from people like Axis to reach teenagers.

    Tim Keller, PhD, Author & Pastor
  • I applaud the way Axis communicates to young people and parents. They are deeply in touch with student culture and trends. Masterful job

    Kara Powell, Author, & Director of Fuller Youth Institute
  • I find the work of Axis relevant and insightful as a parent and as a researcher on demographic trends. Our team has read your columns with great interest finding many of the same trends in our research.

    -Brooke Hempell, SVP Research, Barna Global
  • Axis is made up of young people reaching young people. Axis resources are relevant and speak to teens’ hearts.

    Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family
  • Axis is more effective than any group I know in confronting student apathy.

    John Stonestreet, Colson Center President & Breakpoint Host
  • Axis is on the cutting edge of training students and parents how to think biblically about culture, media, and technology.