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The Culture Translator

Get informed about the cultural trends impacting your teenager's world - all in a 5-min weekly read.

Join 400k+ Christian parents for free! Each week our team researches the latest music, movies, TV shows, & social media trends impacting your teens world. Then, we translate it and equip you to have conversations that build lifelong faith in Jesus.

  • The information provided is trustworthy and unbiased which lays a great foundation for generating conversations with my children with a “tell-me-more” attitude. I tell my friends about The Culture Translator often.

    Suzanne, Axis Mom
  • It cuts through the clutter of ALL the info out there for parents.

    Drew, Axis Dad
  • It’s incredible! It’s a Christ- centered, biblically based approach to all current things happening in culture and the lives of our teenagers.

    Joseph, Axis Dad
  • I love getting Culture Translators to help with news updates, what to be on the lookout for, and what means what these days!