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Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve!

We hope you enjoyed last week, and that you found an opportunity to serve and show love together as a family.

Tomorrow is Christmas! If you already have plans tonight for Christmas Eve, great. But if you wanted to try something a little different, or wanted to slate this for another night in the future, our fourth family experience involves planning a meal and discussing the major shifts we’ve been talking about throughout this Advent series with your family: moving from hurry to hope, moving from envy to joy, and moving from indifference to love.

The Fight Hustle, End Hurry podcast talks about using 3×5 index cards or sticky notes to write down all the things you might want to fill your life with in the new year. Whether you incorporate something like that or not, here are some questions that we’d love to invite you to wrestle with as a family.

To shift from hurry to being more intentional/hopeful: What are the most important things to us as a family? What helps our family feel rested? What drains our family? What would it look like for us to be more intentional with our time? Is there anything we think we should remove from our lives and schedules?

To shift from envy to more joy: When do you feel happy, or content? How does envy and comparison sometimes get the best of us? Have you ever gotten something you really wanted and felt disappointed? Why do you think that is? What is happiness? Is it different from joy? How so? What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”?

To shift from apathy and indifference to love: When have you experienced profound love from someone? What would it look like to be more loving, both as a family and as individuals? Do you think valuing ourselves helps us value others? Why or why not? What are some more ways that we can serve and love others next year?

Again, if you already have plans tonight, great. But if there’s a chance to plan a dinner and intentionally talk about these topics with your family, we encourage you to do so.